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Commercial plumbing refers to the installation, maintenance, and repair of large-scale plumbing systems in commercial properties such as office buildings, malls, hospitals, and schools. Unlike residential plumbing, commercial plumbing deals with more complex systems that often include multiple floors and numerous toilets, sinks, and pipes. It requires a high level of expertise and experience to handle due to the sheer volume and complexity of these systems. 


The importance of properly functioning plumbing in commercial buildings can hardly be overstated. A minor plumbing issue might escalate into a major problem that may disrupt the normal operations of a business and lead to significant financial losses. For example, a leaky pipe might cause water damage to a building’s structure or valuable equipment. Moreover, it can lead to a spike in water bills and can also pose health risks by promoting mold growth. Hence, regular inspection and timely maintenance of commercial plumbing systems are essential to ensure smooth business operations. 


Common commercial plumbing problems range from blocked drains, leaking pipes, and faulty water heaters, to low water pressure, and each comes with its own set of solutions. Blocked drains can be fixed by using a plumber’s snake or hydro-jetting, while leaky pipes require the replacement of damaged parts or sealing of the leak point. Faulty water heaters often need professional repair or replacement. As for low water pressure, it can be rectified by cleaning clogged pipes or adjusting the pressure regulator. It’s crucial to remember that due to the complexity of commercial plumbing systems, most repairs should be performed by professional plumbers. Attempting to fix these problems without proper training and tools may result in further damage or potential safety risks.


Common Commercial Plumbing Problems

In the realm of commercial plumbing, there’s a variety of issues that commonly arise, all of which can have a significant impact on daily operations. 



One of the most frequent problems is leaks. Leaks in commercial buildings can occur due to many reasons such as corrosion of pipes, high pressure, or even faulty installations. The effect of such leaks extends beyond mere water wastage. They can cause significant damage to the structure of the building, invite mold growth, and increase utility bills substantially.


Blocked Drains

Another common issue is blocked drains. The causes for this are often varied, ranging from improper disposal of waste to the accumulation of foreign objects, grease, or even tree roots in the pipes. The impact of blocked drains is immediately noticeable, with slow-draining sinks and frequent backups being the primary signs. Over time, this can lead to unpleasant odors and potential health hazards due to the accumulation of bacteria. 


Water Heaters

Water heaters in commercial buildings are also prone to issues. From faulty thermostats to sediment build-up, the problems are many and varied. A malfunctioning water heater can affect the overall comfort of the building, and in cases where hot water is crucial for operations, such as in restaurants or hospitals, it can cause significant disruptions.


Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure is another common complaint in commercial buildings. This issue can be caused by several factors, including leaks, blockages, or even a faulty pressure regulator. Apart from the inconvenience it causes, low water pressure can also affect the efficiency of appliances and fixtures that rely on a certain water pressure to function correctly.


Sewer System Backups

Lastly, a major concern in commercial plumbing is sewer system backups. These often occur due to blockages in the sewer line, which can be caused by anything from tree roots to non-flushable items. The signs of a sewer system backup are not subtle, with frequent drain backups, foul odors, and even the presence of sewage in the lowest point of the building. The effects are not only disruptive but can also pose serious health risks.


To address and prevent such issues, it is crucial for businesses to partner with reliable plumbing professionals like Expert Plumbing Service. Our expertise in diagnosing and resolving complex plumbing issues, including sewer system backups, ensures a prompt and effective solution, minimizing disruptions and safeguarding the well-being of the commercial space and its occupants.


How to Fix Commercial Plumbing Problems

In the section ‘How to Fix Commercial Plumbing Problems’, we dive deeper into the various steps to rectify these commercial plumbing issues.


Detecting and Repairing Leaks

In ‘Detecting and Repairing Leaks’, it’s important to note that early detection is key to preventing further damage. Signs of leaks in commercial buildings include damp spots on walls, ceilings, or floors, a sudden spike in the water bill, or the sound of running water when all taps are off. Once a leak is identified, it’s crucial to isolate the area, and if possible, shut off the water supply. Temporary fixes, such as applying waterproof tape or sealants, might work, but professional help should be sought to ensure a lasting solution.


Clearing Blocked Drains

The second part ‘Clearing Blocked Drains’ provides recommendations on how to deal with this common and frustrating issue. Regular maintenance, including the use of drain cleaners and strainers to catch debris, can significantly reduce the chances of a blocked drain. If a blockage occurs, a plunger or plumber’s snake may be used to clear it. However, if these methods are unsuccessful, it’s time to call in the experts.


Addressing Water Heater Issues

‘Addressing Water Heater Issues’ is the next area of focus. Common problems include insufficient hot water, fluctuating temperatures, or strange noises from the heater. Regular maintenance can prevent many of these issues. If a problem arises, it’s often due to a faulty component, which may need to be replaced. Again, professional intervention is recommended for safety and efficacy.


Improving Low Water Pressure

‘Improving Low Water Pressure’ can improve the functionality and efficiency of a commercial building. Causes of low water pressure range from clogged pipes or drains to malfunctioning pressure regulators. Solutions might involve cleaning or replacing pipes or adjusting the pressure regulator. Consultation with a professional plumber can help pinpoint the issue and find the most effective solution.


Dealing with Sewer System Backups

Lastly, ‘Dealing with Sewer System Backups’ provides guidance for a potentially hazardous situation. Signs of a sewer system backup include multiple drain clogs, bad odors, or water pooling around the basement drain. If a backup is suspected, avoid using all water fixtures and immediately call a plumbing professional. This issue can pose severe health and safety risks and should be addressed promptly.


Preventing Common Commercial Plumbing Problems

Preventing commercial plumbing problems is essential to the sustainability of your business. It not only secures the safety and comfort of your employees and customers but also helps you avoid costly repairs and business interruptions. Here are some key strategies to help you mitigate these issues.


The first line of defense against common commercial plumbing problems is regular plumbing maintenance and inspections. By having a professional plumber conduct routine inspections, you can identify potential problems before they escalate. These could include leaks, blockages, or corrosion. 


Regular maintenance also ensures your plumbing system operates at its peak efficiency, reducing your water and energy bills. 


Proper waste disposal is another crucial aspect of preventing plumbing problems. Educate your employees about what can and cannot be disposed of through your plumbing system. For instance, grease, coffee grounds, and certain food particles should not be thrown down the drain as they can cause blockages over time.


Regular drain cleaning is also necessary to prevent stubborn clogs. This involves professional cleaning methods such as hydro jetting, which uses high-pressure water to remove build-up and blockages from your drain pipes. By doing so, you can avoid slow draining sinks and toilets, foul odors, and potential health hazards. 


Upgrading outdated plumbing systems can also prevent numerous commercial plumbing problems. Older pipes and fixtures are more prone to leaks, rust, and other issues. By replacing them with modern, high-quality materials, you will mitigate these risks and enhance the efficiency and longevity of your plumbing system. 


Lastly, water heater care and maintenance is essential. Over time, sediment can build up in your water heater, reducing its efficiency and leading to higher energy costs. Regular flushing and inspection of the water heater can help maintain its optimal performance and prevent potential issues.In conclusion, preventing commercial plumbing problems requires a proactive approach. 


By implementing regular maintenance, proper waste disposal, drain cleaning, system upgrades, and water heater care, you can safeguard your business from costly and disruptive plumbing issues. Remember, early detection and professional intervention are key to maintaining a safe, functional environment.  For any plumbing concerns or expert assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Expert Plumbing Service.


When to Call a Professional Plumber

Despite the best efforts in prevention and regular maintenance, some plumbing problems may still occur in your commercial building. These issues may necessitate the intervention of a professional plumber. Recognizing the indications that you need professional help is crucial in preventing further damage. These signs include recurring drain clogs, low water pressure, water discoloration, persistent leaking, or an unusually high water bill. These problems often signal a deeper issue that goes beyond simple fixes. The importance of prompt professional intervention cannot be overstated. Delaying the call to a professional can escalate the issue, leading to more significant damage and costlier repairs. A minor leak can turn into a major flood, or a slight discoloration can indicate a serious contamination issue. Therefore, it’s vital to call a professional as soon as you notice something amiss.


Professional plumbers such as Expert Plumbing Service offer more than just repairs. Our expertise in the field can provide a comprehensive solution to your plumbing problems. We can accurately diagnose the problem, propose the most effective solutions, and even provide suggestions for future prevention. We are equipped with advanced tools and equipment to perform complex tasks like pipe replacements, leak detection, and system overhauls. 


Choosing the right plumbing professional for your commercial building can be a game-changer. Look for experienced, licensed, and insured plumbers who specialize in commercial plumbing. They should have a proven track record of handling plumbing issues in commercial settings. Be sure to check their reviews and ratings, and ask for references if necessary. Remember, a good plumber can save your business from costly repairs and significant downtime.


For unparalleled expertise in commercial plumbing services, consider partnering with Expert Plumbing Service. Our experienced, licensed, and insured plumbers specialize in addressing the unique challenges of commercial buildings. 



In conclusion, commercial plumbing problems are not uncommon and can occur in a variety of forms such as recurring clogs, low water pressure, persistent leaks, and inexplicably high water bills. These issues are not only inconvenient but can also lead to significant disruptions in business operations and hefty repair costs. However, many of these problems can be successfully resolved with prompt attention and professional intervention. Experienced commercial plumbers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to accurately diagnose these issues and provide effective solutions. 


The importance of regular maintenance in preventing such problems cannot be understated. Regular inspections and maintenance of the plumbing system in a commercial building can nip potential problems in the bud, saving businesses from larger, more costly issues down the line. In addition to this, routine maintenance also enhances the longevity and efficiency of the plumbing system, thereby ensuring a smoother operation and preventing unnecessary disruptions. Despite the benefits of regular maintenance, it’s important to remember that some plumbing problems require professional expertise. Attempting to fix these issues without the necessary skills could lead to further damage. 


Thus, investing in professional plumbing like Expert Plumbing Service services is not just beneficial but also essential for maintaining the health and efficiency of a commercial plumbing system. It’s crucial to choose a plumber with ample experience and relevant credentials in commercial plumbing to ensure that the job is done right. 

If you are looking for dependable expertise in commercial plumbing, choose Expert Plumbing Service for prompt and effective solutions.


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Expert Plumbing Service

1040 Star Ln Unit A, New Lenox, Illinois, 60451

(815) 310-1033


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